منتديات أبطال الكرة الرسمية
كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven  5k1yfv10
منتديات أبطال الكرة الرسمية
كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven  5k1yfv10
منتديات أبطال الكرة الرسمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات أبطال الكرة الرسمية

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 كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven

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Hagar ☹!'
عضو مميز
عضو مميز
Hagar ☹!'

جـْنـسّيْ : انثى
مُسَاهَماتِي : 976
مآلَـيْ : 8805
شّهـْرتـْي : 144
آنْضضْمآمـْي : 08/07/2011
ع ـ’ـمريْ : 25

كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven    كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven  Emptyالإثنين يونيو 04, 2012 1:24 am

Hiroto made his debut briefly during the match of Raimon against Epsilon at Manyuuji's school, but when Kira Hitomiko looks to where he is Hiroto isn't there anymore. It is seen, but only in the games, that he was seen watching the match between Raimon and Shin Teikoku. He first appears as captain of The Genesis, Gran. He watches most of Raimon's matches in secret, and was first fully introduced in episode 36. In episode 44, after watching Raimon's match with Yokato, he asks Endou if he would like to play soccer with he and his team. Endou becomes surprised and asks when Hiroto had started to play soccer, but the he just ignores it and says that the match will be at Yokato's field. When they arrive at the destinated area to start the match, it was revealed that his team is The Genesis which is one of the
Gran and Burn watching Diamond Dust fights against Raimon.
Added by Hungry4ramen
elite teams of Aliea Academy.
In episode 45 he along with his teammates had a match against Raimon. During the game Hiroto played without any effort and was able to score easily against Majin The Hand even without using a hissatsu. When the score was 20-0 to his team, Hiroto used Ryuusei Blade to end the match, which causes Kazemaru and Kurimatsu to leave the team by fear and Fubuki to become unconscious and seriously injuried. He then becomes curious about Endou and his way of soccer. He is surprised when even a calm and cool person like Gazel is so pumped up and interested to play against Raimon and Endou. His team fights against Raimon once more, where he quickly made his team first goal with Ryuusei Blade. Despite this, after a long fight Raimon finally beats Hiroto and his team by 4-3, and following the after the match, it is revealed that his name is not actually Hiroto, it's a the name that belongs to his father's deceased son. Later in that episode, he is taken back to somewhere by the police along with the other surviving Aliea Academy students and Coach Hitomiko .
Season 3Edit

Hiroto in Inazuma Japan
Added by Ash7103
During season 3, Hiroto was called in by coach Hibiki along with his best friend Midorikawa to be one of the chosen to become one of Inazuma Japan members.
Hiroto in the IE3 game.
Added by Dara-chan25
He was placed in A- team, which is Endou's team. During the match he scores the first goal of his team (and season) with Ryuusei Blade. Hiroto was then chosen as one of the sixteen representatives of Japan. In Episode 070, he is seen watching an eating competition between [[Midorikawa Ryuuji|
Hiroto in the Inazuma Japan jacket.
Added by Vanuatu 222
Midorikawa]] and Kabeyama, also along who are watching the fun little competition were Fubuki, Hijikata, Tsunami and Kazemaru. Later, during the morning training, he and Kurimatsu were dribbled past by Kazemaru. After some time, he tried to make a goal with Ryuusei Blade, but wasn't able to pass through Endou's Seigi no Tekken G2. Later he, thinks about Kudou.
Hiroto in his tuxedo.
Added by IAmEverLastingFriend
During the match against Big Waves, Hiroto is one of the Inazuma Japan's members who had the ball stolen from them by Box Lock Defense besides Kidou, Fubuki and Gouenji. After the match against Desert Lion , Hiroto is seen helping Midorikawa in his training. During the match against Fire Dragon Hiroto managed to evolve his Ryuusei Blade to the V2 level and with this score the third goal to Inazuma Japan. In Episode 089, Hiroto tried to score a goal against Knights of Queen, but his shoot is stopped by Galatyn.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو مميز
عضو مميز

جـْنـسّيْ : ذكر
مُسَاهَماتِي : 1284
مآلَـيْ : 8075
شّهـْرتـْي : 10
آنْضضْمآمـْي : 09/09/2011
ع ـ’ـمريْ : 24

كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven    كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven  Emptyالسبت يونيو 09, 2012 11:29 pm

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كياما هيرتو - inazma eleven
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